Thank you for wanting to start your own Next7 Garden.
If selected, we’ll be in touch!
Can you tell me more about Next7?
Sure. Here’s a link to our about page to learn more.
What happens if I don’t get picked?
You can still participate. Garden kits will be available for purchase and keep up with us on social media. We want to know all about your gardening experience. Tag us using #Next7Garden
Can you tell me more about the Real Food Campaign?
Sure. Here’s a link to the Real Food Campaign page!
Can you tell me more about the inoculants and minerals?
Absolutely. Here you go!
Boost field fertility and vibrancy with this broad spectrum soil conditioner and amendment suitable for all crops. Spring blend tops off the fertility tank and provides a complete crop feed to be applied before planting.
INGREDIENTS : humates, greensand, rock phosphate, carbonite, gypsum, sul-po-mag, Dynamin, humus compost, sea salt, kelp meal, alfalfa meal
Boost plant vigor and vitality and aid in plant growth, production, and protection as a foliar spray or liquid drench.
INGREDIENTS : sea water concentrate, fish hydrolysate, calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, molasses, phosphate rock, magnesium chloride, boric acid, manganese sulfate, kelp, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, cobalt sulfate, sodium molybdate, fulvic acids, worm castings, humic acid
Boost microbial populations with this broad spectrum mixture of bacterial and fungal symbiotes.
INGREDIENTS : seaweed, calcium, humic substances and microbial inoculants